13. Modular construction: Build more efficiently with Heavydrive
12. Defy snow and cold temperatures on the construction site
11. Long-term rentals for flexibility and dependable planning processes
10. Mastering perfection with robotics: the future of glass installation
9. Urgent assignments during the holiday period
8. Increasing efficiency in glass construction: Discover our 7-axis manipulator
7. Heavydrive – Specialist for curved XXL panes worldwide
6. Façade installation with moving climbing scaffold
5. Your planning success with our advice
4. Visit us at Fensterbau Frontale
3. Efficient assembly with versatile solutions
2. Services offered by the Heavydrive specialist workshop
1. Plan ahead for upcoming projects
14. Glazing with emission-free assembly equipment!
13. Glazing with emission-free assembly equipment!
12. Innovative assembly solution for prefabricated facade elements
11. Glass mounting devices at a special price
10. Assignment with special system
8. Breath-taking installation of a 15 metre long pane
7. Available whenever you need us
6. Flexible solutions for spherically curved panes
5. Complex pane installation in Doha (Qatar)
4. Not enough staff? Heavydrive offers the solution
3. Installation solutions for your façade mockups
1. Heavydrive develops weaving facilitator for the installation of large, heavy glass panes
12. Safe glazing even at sub-zero temperatures
11. Emission-free operations indoors with Heavydrive up to 7.5 to
10. Precise planning and mock-up for trouble-free operation
8. Complete solutions for tricky installation situations
7. Available whenever you need us
5. Glass assembly devices - flexibility in use thanks to long-term hire
4. Teamwork around the equipment: The way to handle hard-to-access construction site situations
3. NEW: Innovative solution for multi-storey glazing
2. Safe glazing in wind and weather
14. Safely glazed in spite of sub-zero temperatures
13. Battery testing system guarantees full drive power
12. Valuable freight - arts handling with Heavydrive
11. Special assignment in Chicago: Glazing directly behind columns
10. Reliability through transparency
9. Safe transport even in narrow stairwells
7. Complete solutions for tricky glazing situations
6. A glass transport cart with a lifting capacity of 3,000 kg
5. Contactless one-person installation for loads of up to 7,180 kg
4. Exciting projects in Luxembourg
3. Innovation + Precision - always one step ahead!
2. 15 years of innovation - 15% birthday discount
1. Glaze through winter and coronavirus restrictions with Heavydrive