Heavydrive lifts works of art over a tight concrete balcony
At an exhibition in Galerie Zink in Seubersdorf in the region of Oberpfalz, the Heavydrive team carried two pieces of artwork by artist Rudolf Bott over an internal balcony almost 4.5m high. The extremely tight space and low ceilings posed one challenge, but the easily-damaged floor and underfloor heating system also had to be protected.
The two works of art, a steel table weighing one tonne and a second 400kg wooden table, were brought into the building on a forklift. To protect the delicate flooring, the Heavydrive team lay down several sheets of timber for the MRK 86.0 mini crawler crane, with its support legs resting on four of the sheets to distribute the weight. The pieces of art were then attached to the assembly jig of the crane by a traverse.
The MRK 86.0 has a lifting capacity of 2,800kg and a lifting height of 11m. The experienced Heavydrive operator manoeuvred the valuable load to a height of 5.5m by remote control. Then, with the help of the long, heavy load assembly jig and its tilt function, the artwork was lifted over the balcony with millimetre precision and without banging into anything. The distance between the railing and the roof was just 1.8m. Within just two hours, the Heavydrive team had lifted the valuable load into the exhibition area with ease.
This was not the first time Heavydrive had transported delicate artwork. In the past, the company has successfully transported different types of art, including in the Guggenheim Museum in New York as well as the Alte Pinakothek and Brandhorst Museum in Munich. Heavydrive’s assembly devices have non-marking tracks which makes them the perfect choice for easily-damaged, indoor floors. The assembly aides can also fit through narrow doorways and passages; they are extremely compact and flexible and are therefore an ideal solution for manoeuvring artwork through a museum.

balcony railing Artist Rudolf Bott (top right in the blue jumper)
personally oversees the job
Image rights: Heavydrive.com

Image rights: Heavydrive.com