Heavydrive glazes Rosatom Energy Pavilion in Moscow
Oversized façade elements installed using special equipment
The special Heavydrive systems were used to install the glass front elements weighing up to four tonnes at the new Rosatom exhibition pavilion in Moscow. The problems were twofold - the immense dimensions of the panes and the fact that some of them had to be lifted in behind trees.
To stabilise the large façade against high wind loads, Finn glass panes were used initially. Weighing 1.6 tonnes, the 750 millimetre wide and twelve metre high Finn glass fins were installed using the vacuum suction system VSG 2000 KL 9, a system designed by Heavydrive specifically for extremely long and narrow elements weighing up to two tonnes.
The façade was then sealed with three-metre wide and twelve-metre high façade elements using the vacuum suction system VSG 6000 K MH. This Heavydrive system, with a load capacity of six tonnes, reliably suctioned the enormous glass elements weighing four tonnes and accurately placed them in the opening.
The Rosatom Exhibition Pavilion is currently being built in VDNKh Park and is scheduled for completion in 2021. The VDNKh Park is a site with green spaces, museums and exhibition pavilions. The area was developed in 1939, the idea being to reflect the economy and lifestyle of the socialist era. The park is now a popular recreational destination for Muscovites and tourists. The Rosatom Energy Pavilion captivates with its transparent design consisting of a steel roof surrounded by vast glass façades.
The glass installation system for the Rosatom Energy Pavilion was delivered in person by Ivan Leonov, Managing Director of Heavydrive's Russian subsidiary in St Petersburg. The customer was shown how to operate equipment by the Heavydrive expert on the construction site. "We have years of experience on the Russian market. Our equipment meets Russian GOST standards and our subsidiary's rental park offers a broad range of installation and transport equipment. Which is why our services and equipment are so well received on the Russian market," explains Managing Director Günter Übelacker.

Image rights: Heavydrive.com

Image rights: Heavydrive.com