Assembly of heavy stone façade elements
Heavydrive’s systems deployed in London to install special corner frames under overhangs
This construction project in London’s Wood Wharf district in July and August 2017 involved installing various-sized stone corner façade elements and façade insulation weighing up to a tonne. On top of that, the elements had to be lifted under an overhang of 1.5m. The assembly system needed to be controlled remotely so that there was no scaffolding in front of the façade.
To firmly place the various elements, the Polish façade manufacturer developed a special steel auxiliary structure. Following extensive deliberation with the Heavydrive experts, the decision was made to use Heavydrive’s VSG 2000 counterweight traverse in conjunction with the SWS quick-change head for assembly of the façade elements. Locating bore holes were welded to the auxiliary structure so the SWS could be attached. Before assembly could begin, the system was tested in the customer’s Polish assembly facility, and the counterweight traverse passed all testing with flying colours.
Safe, fast and competent installation
Due to time constraints, the VSG 2000 Konter went straight from the test operation in Poland to the construction site in the British metropolis. At the same time, all auxiliary constructions for the adaptation of the Heavydrive quick-change head were prepared. With the help of the SWS, the operator can change the elements in just a few simple steps. All he has to do is pin three pins.

Image: Heavydrive
The challenge:
Mounting various sized stone corner façade pieces and façade insulation weighing up to a tonne under a 1.5-m deep overhang.
The glass mounting device needed to be controlled remotely.
The solution:
The VSG 2000 Konter counterweight beam with the SWS quick-change head
Suitable lifting points for the auxiliary frame construction
In order to comply with all regulations and to guarantee the optimal use of the Heavydrive equipment, the experienced Heavydrive assembly manager traveled to the construction site in London himself. There he trained the team on site and presented the necessary certificates. Only then was the system handed over to the customer.
Heavydrive counterweight traverses for every construction site
Several months previously, Heavydrive GmbH was involved in a similar assembly situation for another building in London’s Wood Wharf district. On that occasion, conditions were even trickier due to the 3.5m roof overhang and the corner angles and steel auxiliary structure projecting out by 2.9m. Together, the auxiliary frames and corner elements reached a lifting load of 1,850kg, so the Heavydrive VSG 4000 counterweight traverse – with a capacity of up to 4 tonnes – was used in this assembly project.
There is a large range of counterweight traverses from 500kg to 12,000kg available to rent and to buy from the Heavydrive headquarters in Tapfheim. The systems can be configured and customised to the customer’s specifications. The professional Heavydrive team is on hand to help you choose the right device.

Image: Heavydrive