Timber press weighing 600 kilograms transported to the first floor


Heavydrive transported a bulky 600 kilogram timber press onto the first floor at the Adolph-Kolping Vocational School in Donauwörth. The company employed the MRK 158.0 assembly crane for the operation. A single operator lifted the 1.6 metre high industrial machine right into the maintenance opening on the first floor from outside without the device having to be disassembled.


The timber press was simply attached to the assembly jib, allowing it to be placed through the opening onto the first floor from outside.


In combination with the special assembly jib, the MRK 158.0 mini crane has a maximum lifting height of 21 metres and lifts loads under projections, behind porches or into inspection openings without a problem.

Lifting device from Heavydrive in use in Donauwörth. Lifting a 600 kg machine to the second floor.
Conveying a timber press onto the first floor using a MRK 158.0 and assembly jib.
Image rights: Heavydrive.com

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