Shaped panes weighing almost three tonnes (6500 lbs) installed at luxury store in Las Vegas (USA)
Special Heavydrive equipment was used to set oversized glass panes weighing almost 3000 kilograms (6500 lbs) in place at the Louis Vuitton store in the luxurious Wynn Resort Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. The panes from Sentech Glass measured 8.7 x 2.7 metres (29' x 9').
The installation was highly complex because the glass elements had to be set in an extremely awkward place at the back of the Wynn Hotel's shopping mall. It involved the night closure of one lane on the busy Sands Avenue close to the world-famous Las Vegas Strip. The Heavydrive VSG 3000 KMH suction system was attached to a mega truck-mounted crane. The Heavydrive system suctioned the shaped panes securely, lifted them above the building and placed them at the Louis Vuitton store.
Originally scheduled for June 2022, installation was delayed due to a problem with the production line in Mexico. The delivery of the spare part from Japan was several months late, meaning that the glass panes were not on-site until late autumn 2022. Nonetheless, façade construction specialist MG McGrath from Maplewood (Minnesota MN) and Heavydrive achieved the installation to perfection just ahead of Thanksgiving on the night of 22nd to 23rd November. In mid-December, the Heavydrive system was transported back to the main warehouse in Tapfheim.

#LasVegas #SentechGlass #WynnLasVegas #MGMCGrath