Installation at an elevation of 2050 metres


Heavydrive installs panes weighing up to 1700 kg in the Dolomites (Italy)

In the Dolomites region 3 Cime in South Tyrol (Italy), the former Monte Elmo station is being converted into the new Messner Mountain Museum Roca. The panoramic façade, which offers an impressive view of the surrounding mountain landscape, was created by the Bavaria-based company Heavydrive.


Pane is lifted into the sloping facade by Heavydrive systems. Impressive panorama in the background.
Pane is lifted into the sloping facade by Heavydrive systems. Impressive panorama in the background.
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The challenge:

For the installation at an elevation over 2000 m, the pressure for the solution system must be adjusted. Installing the panes within just two days in poor weather conditions.

The solution:

The VSG 2000 KMHL suction system with slope adapter and VSG 3000 Konter counterweight beam. Modifying the system for smaller panes while on site saves time and money.


The VSG KMHL vacuum suction system also has infinitely adjustable cups. And the Heavydrive expert was also able to set the smaller, triangular edge panes of the façade using the same system. The suction cups were adapted to the size of the panes in just a few simple steps.

"The assignment has shown that having an experienced Heavydrive operator on site makes sense and ultimately saves costs, especially when it comes to challenging projects. Drawing on his experience, the operator decided for time reasons to quickly modify the larger system to handle the smaller panes rather than using smaller equipment", explains Günter Übelacker, Managing Director of Heavydrive. As a result, the assignment was completed on time.

The Messner Mountain Museum is present at six locations in South Tyrol. The last to open in autumn 2024 will be the Roca on Monte Elmo in Sesto, where the narrative is dedicated to the "rock" and "rock climbing". The focus of the project was "upcycling", with the old mountain station being largely preserved and reused. At the same time, the existing building was to blend in well with its surroundings. The construction project was realised by 3 Cime SpA in collaboration with architect Ulla Hell from Plasma Studio. The façades come from the internationally renowned façade construction company Frener & Reifer based in South Tyrol.


The work began in October 2023 and presented the Heavydrive team with a number of challenges. The equipment had to be transported by truck on the narrow mountain roads and gravel tracks to the former Monte Elmo railway station, at an altitude of 2050 metres (6726 ft). The installation devices were taken out of the lorry by the construction crane and lifted over the building to the site. The panes, measuring up to 6 x 2.3 metres (19.7 x 7.5 ft) and weighing up to 1700 kilos (3748 lbs), had to be set into the sloping façade and in some cases overhead – all within just two days and under poor weather conditions.

The experienced Heavydrive operator overcame the challenge thanks to the VSG 2000 KMHL suction system with slope adapter and VSG 3000 counterweight beam. Before the work began, the equipment's air pressure had to be acclimatised to the prevailing altitude of over 2000 metres. The façade elements were then able to be safely suctioned on, transported to the opening and swivelled to the required outside inclination of 17 degrees using the slope adapter. This made it possible to set the panes from outside.

he finished sloping facade of MMM Roca from below.
he finished sloping facade of MMM Roca from below
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Tags: #Slopingfacade #MMMRoca #MessnerMountainMuseum #3Cime #FrenerReifer #UllaHell #plasmastudio #MonteElmoSesto #MonteElmo


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