Heavydrive's full power concentrated in one place

Heavydrive presents its huge range of mounting and transport devices
Many national and international visitors were able to marvel at and try the various mounting and suction units as well as the newest large-scale plants at the in-house fair at Heavydrive's headquarters in Donauwoerth on 05 July 2014.
The largest on the market
The Heavydrive team presented the full power of the various glass mounting and transport devices on the 10,000 square meter grounds. The star of the event was the brand new MRK 230.0 miniature crawler crane by the Japanese manufacturer Unic. Being the largest miniature crane with a hook height of 22.9 meters and a 7.5-meter long hydraulic assembly jig, it can mount panes of up to 10 tonnes bearing load. Heavydrive GmbH has already delivered two of these machines to a customer in Saudi Arabia.

The VSG 3500 K vacuum suction unit with a bearing load of up to 3.5 tonnes also caught the eye of many visitors. The unit can lift panes that are up to 10 meters long and 3.2 meters wide. The glass plates or façade elements can be easily rotated vertically and positioned flatly in a 90-degree angle by remote control. An even larger unit, the VSG 5000, is currently in production. With these new suction units, Heavydrive GmbH now offers 3,000, 3,500, 4,000 and 5,000-kilo suction units. All units can rotate panes by 360º and lay them down flatly.
When it comes to overhead manipulators, Heavydrive also presented its top-notch products. Combined with a miniature or loading crane, the VSGU 1600 K can lift panes of up to 1.6 tonnes and place them overhead into the mounting opening.
Flexible mounting solutions for every construction site
Apart from the large units, many of the smaller units could also be seen in action, for example the time-tested glass mounting device GMG 350 as well as the GMG 600 with a bearing load of up to 600 kilos.

The Heavydrive team also presented a variety of small and medium-sized suction units with a bearing load of 300 to 2,500 kilo for straight and curved panes as well as various assembly cranes with up to 7.9 meters lifting height and a comfortable electrical drive per remote control.
The patented product series of the HDL glass transport wagon as well as diverse forklift trucks, lifting platforms and a mobile crane could be tested exhaustively by the visitors. The flexible Heavydrive mounting solutions have been developed for many different construction jobs and areas of application and are suited for glass, façade, steel, metal or wood construction.
As a refreshment, there was a delicious lunch menu, coffee, cake and free drinks.
"All in all, it was a successful day. We were able to show our customers almost the entire range of Heavydrive's special devices, and our visitors had the chance to take their time and try the various mounting solutions, which was very well received,“ summarized CEO Günter Übelacker.
At the glasstec fair in Düssedorf from 21 -24 October, all those interested will have the chance to get to know the full range of Heavydrive mounting and transport devices.