Heavydrive on the job at the Eiffel Tower
The first floor of the world famous Eiffel Tower is being given a facelift. The construction team fitting the complex glass structure will be assisted by the Donauwoerth-based glass handling and installation specialist Heavydrive GmbH.
The famous landmark in Paris is a real crowd puller: Around seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. 125 years after its erection, the façade on the first storey is to be re-glazed. The curved panes are designed to protect the visitors from wind and give them a clear view over Paris. llen die Besucher vor Wind schützen und ihnen einen unbeschränkten Blick über Paris bieten.
Fitting the new façade, however, proved to be a very tricky task indeed. The panes are curved like waves and have to be installed under eaves. Heavydrive used the compact and powerful assembly crane MRK 86.0 for this, which is also perfectly suitable for use indoors. In combination with the overhead manipulator VSGU 450K and the vacuum suction system VSG PLR, which was specially developed for long and curved panes, the crane operator can install large, curved panes anywhere.

A trained, experienced Heavydrive crane operator ensures problem-free assembly on site. Thanks to Heavydrive's expertise and innovative technology, nothing stood in the way of the completion of the Eiffel Tower's new glass façade.

Pictures: Heavydrive.com