Heavydrive installs artistic glass panes in the new Regens Wagner office building in Dillingen.

The Regens-Wagner Foundations provide companionship and support to people with disabilities in Bavaria and Hungary. In the future, all services will be centrally managed in the new, modern head office in Dillingen. Regens Wagner invested around 15 million euros in its new administrative building.
The staircase boasts a very special work of art. In the "Life - Values - Spaces" project, residents and employees of the regional centres used different artistic techniques to devise building plans for the Bavarian locations. The results were assembled to create glass walls, provided with a metal frame and installed at the entrance of the new building.
Heavydrive took on the delicate task of installing these unique 1000 x 3030 millimetre (3.3 x 9.9 ft) artistic glass walls. The challenge here was the arrow access through the doors and around the corners, plus a floor bearing load of just 2 kN/ per square metre. The Heavydrive MRK 55.0 S mini crane in combination with the 450 K vacuum suction system offered a perfect solution for the installation. The mobile and highly compact assembly crane was able to be steered through the narrow doors without a problem. The floor was covered with wooden boards. The MRK 55.0 S has a rubber crawler chassis with non-marking chains and a 220 volt electric drive, making it the ideal solution for indoor assignments of this kind.
The vacuum suction system was attached to the crane by means of a special Heavydrive mounting jib. The mini crawler crane has a hook height of 5.5 metres. This allowed the team to accurately lift and insert the six, 300 kilogram (661 lbs) glass elements through the narrow opening behind the scaffolding without any damage. The assignment was accomplished out in collaboration with Erhard Brandl GmbH & Co. KG from Eitensheim near Ingolstadt. The property developers from Regens Wagner and the press also attended the complex installation.

#ErhardBrandl #RegensWagner #GlassAssembly #IndoorInstallation #AssemblyCrane #Dillingen