Heavydrive at Building Skin Russia 2020

From February 26 to 27, 2020, over 4,500 building skin experts met at Building Skin Russia 2020 in Moscow to learn about the latest trends at conferences and exhibitions. Heavydrive LLC, the Russian subsidiary in St. Petersburg, also presented its company at the building envelope forum. In a short presentation, the Russian Heavydrive branch manager Ivan Leonov introduced the lifting and transport company. In addition, the participants at the Heavydrive stand were able to get to know the many possible uses of the suction systems and assembly equipment.
“Thanks to our branch in St. Petersburg, we can act much more intensively and quickly on the Russian market. Of course, it is also important to make the company known at trade fairs and conferences in Russia,” says Heavydrive Managing Director Guenter Uebelacker. The visitors of Building Skin Russia 2020 showed great interest in the flexible Heavydrive devices and systems. The glass manufacturers, developers, builders, architects and fitters found out in particular about the special assembly solutions for heavy and curved panes and for complicated construction situations such as extreme heights or narrow accesses. The Heavydrive services, such as on-site instruction and the optional booking of an experienced device operator, also met with great interest.

The Heavydrive information booth at the forum
Image: Heavydrive GmbH