Breath-taking assembly of 15-metre-wide glass façade in Croatia
Heavydrive fits XXL façade for luxury hotel in Croatian fishing port Rovinj
One of the highlights of Grand Park, a new 5-star luxury hotel being constructed in the picturesque fishing port of Rovinj, is a huge glass façade overlooking the ocean. The 15-metre-long, 3.2-metre-high, 5.2-tonne-heavy pane of glass was fitted using the Heavydrive VSG 6000 KMH vacuum suction system.
The biggest challenge was the tricky site situation—the XXL pane had to be fitted at the waterfront at a height of 19 metres. In other words, the façade opening was not directly accessible, meaning the glass pane had to be moved over the top of the building.

Picture: Heavydrive
Heavydrive’s managing director Günter Übelacker began working on the perfect solution for the luxury hotel façade assembly as long ago as a year previously. “I visited the site so I could see the assembly situation we would be dealing with for myself. My team and I were then able to play out various different scenarios and ultimately come up with the optimum solution,” explains Mr. Übelacker. Intense cooperation with the customer as early as in the planning stage and the development of dedicated solutions are part and parcel of the service Heavydrive delivers. In this way, the team is prepared for any situation that might arise and the work is carried out quickly, efficiently and smoothly.
For the hotel in Rovinj, the glass plane was to be installed at a considerable distance from the spot where the crane would be positioned, meaning a crossbeam type solution not an option. Instead, the Heavydrive team opted for the VSG 6000 KMH vacuum suction system, one of the biggest systems on the market. The VSG 6000 KMH is lightweight and flexible—and it’s quick and easy to rig up. The 20 suction cups can hold up to six tonnes in weight and up to 24 metres in length and 3.2 metres in width.
At the site in Rovinj, the system was attached to a mobile crane, facilitating transportation of the façade element over the building to the façade opening, where it was placed directly into the transport rack. Installation of the XXL façade element was complete within just a day. Heavydrive also installed more than 100 additional 600-kilogramme-heavy window panes in Grand Park hotel using the all-rounder suction system VSG 900 KS and cranes supplied locally.
The challenge:
Fitting the pane at the waterfront at a height of 19 m, a long distance from the crane base.
The façade opening was not directly accessible, meaning the glass pane had to be moved over the top of the building.
The solution:
The VSG 6000 KMH suction system — one of the largest systems on the market. The VSG 6000 KMH is lightweight and flexible, and it is quick and easy to rig up. The 20 suction cups can hold up to 6 tonnes, at 24 m long and 3.2 m wide.

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Picture: Heavydrive