Assembly of pre-assembled lift-and-slide doors under an overhang
Shortly before Christmas in the Bavarian town of Dillingen, Heavydrive fitted two pre-assembled lift-and-slide doors, the largest of which measured 5.9m x 2.1m. The elements each weighed 850kg and 650kg and had to be installed under a 4m-deep overhang..
The team used the Heavydrive MRK 195 assembly crane with an assembly jig. Access was only possible through a very wet field, but this did not pose a problem for the device’s crawler track. A specially designed 3-axle overhead manipulator was adapted to fit the crane and to be able to suction especially wide elements. The device could then easily grip the sliding doors and move them backwards into position. Heavydrive’s mini crawler cranes operate on a telescopic system and can be pivoted and extended hydraulically, and the manipulator can be operated remotely along three axes, so the experienced Heavydrive operator was able to guide the lift-and-slide doors safely around the building’s tight corners, under the overhang and into their final position. The elements were secured with simple brackets and no additional lifting devices were needed for the fitting. It only took the team half an hour to assemble the pane elements. Heavydrive also fitted four other pre-assembled sash doors.

with Heavydrive assembly crane and overhead manipulator
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Heavydrive coordinated with the customer on site in advance to agree on which assembly system to use. The solution offered the customer one main advantage: the window and door elements could be pre-assembled in optimum conditions. On the construction site, the elements were attached to the haulage truck crane, lifted over the building, and handed over to the Heavydrive crane while suspended in the air. Then, the lift-and-slide doors could be fitted as one piece, saving time and money.
The Tapfheim-based lifting and transportation specialists have offered this assembly solution many times, for example in Frankfurt Osthafen, where Heavydrive safely lifted and fitted façade elements 10m to 14m in length. Counterweight traverses with fixed adapter heads are also available for lifting devices to make manoeuvring heavy elements even more secure. Assembly systems are available to rent and to buy from Heavydrive’s warehouses internationally. The Heavydrive experts can advise customers when it comes to choosing the right suction system.

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