We are there for you!

Here you will be competently advised! Our contact persons will be happy to answer any questions you may have!


Guenter Uebelacker

- general manager -

With many years of experience in the field of technical development and sales and on the constant search to find things which have long been missing on the building site, he founded this company.

Your contact for rental, sales and logistics in Germany:


Ivan Leonov

- project manager -

Expert for: Eastern Europe

Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -30 or eMail



Figen Yalcin

- sales manager -

Expert for: sales, monitoring of large projects, claims, international project managment

Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -01 or eMail



Thomas Engelhard

- senior sales assistant  - 

Expert for: Helm rail systems, complex building sites

Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -02 or eMail



Steffen Jakowski

- senior sales assistant -

Expert for: Germany and german-speaking countries

Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -01 or eMail



Julia Ziganek

- group financial controller 


Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -25 or eMail




Viktoria Karetnikova

- junior marketing assistant -



Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -15 or eMail


Georg Erger

marketing assistant -



Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -18 or eMail




Carolin Hesse

junior sales assistant -



Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -12 or eMail


Aleyna Birinci

- junior logistics assistant 


Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -32 or eMail




Michele Helminski

- junior sales assistant -



Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -34 or eMail


Saska Babovic

- junior logistics & sales assistant - 


Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -35 or eMail


Yelyzaveta Meyer

junior sales assistant -



Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -33 or eMail


Our experts on site:

With in-depth expertise and a proactive working style, the competent mounting team provides ideal support to our customers at the construction site. They keep their cool even in stressful situations, mastering any challenge quickly and efficiently.


From the very beginning, our partner for marketing & advertising

Tel.: +49 9070/96 8 96 90 -08
eMail: anfrage(ät)marketing-by-outsourcing.de
web: www.marketing-by-outsourcing.de


Do you need information about our company, our products and our range of services? We will be happy to help you and answer your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us. If so, please contact our press office.

-> to press review


Natalie Hermann



Your contact in the subsidiary in Switzerland:

Guenter Uebelacker

- Managing Director of the CH subsidiary -


Tel: +41  55  552 0225 or eMail


Your contact in the subsidiary in the USA:

Guenter Uebelacker

- Managing Director of the subsidiary -


Tel: +1-470-407-4352 or eMail

Your contact in the subsidiary in Canada:

Guenter Uebelacker

- Managing Director of the subsidiary -


Tel: +1 514-447-4225 or eMail

Your contact in the subsidiary in Dubai:

Dr.-Ing. Nawid Tariq

- Managing Director of the subsidiary in Dubai -


Tel: +971 55 9836005 or eMail